We can come on-site to clean your blinds! We will bring all of our supplies to your location to clean your blinds.
Give us a call, email, or visit our contact page if you want your blinds cleaned on-site!
In these jobs, we will bring our mobile service to you.
This is a minimum $195 worth of work. Extra charges may apply for oversized blinds or out-of-region jobs.
We will do most cleaning jobs with expertise within the same day.
Pick-Up & Delivery
We will pick-up your blinds for cleaning, and the blinds will be returned at a later date.
Give us a call, email, or visit our contact page if you want your blinds cleaned by pick-up and delivery!
In these jobs, we will bring our mobile service to you.
This is a minimum $205 worth of work. Extra charges may apply for oversized blinds or out-of-region jobs.
These cleaning jobs will possibly take more than one day.
Drop-Off at Select Locations
Bring your blinds to one of our regional partner stores!
These stores will take in your blinds, deliver them to us, and you can pick up your blinds from these locations once you are notified.
Extra charges may apply for oversized blinds. We currently do not have partner stores yet, but we will work to identify partner stores so that
blind cleaning can be affordable and accessible to homeowners across the Greater Seattle Area!